work place discrimination in kentucky

Discrimination at work is an all too common experience for many Kentucky employees. They face illegal actions because of their race, gender, identity, religion, or many other protected categories. Kentucky and federal law help protect workers against discrimination, but you need to know what to do if you face this kind of harassment. 

The skilled Kentucky employment lawyers at Abney Law are ready to help you fight back against discrimination. Here is what you should do if you’ve been discriminated against at work in Kentucky.

What Is Employment Discrimination?

Employment discrimination makes it illegal to take an action against you on the basis of your color, religion, national origin, age, race, disability, and several other protected categories. Your rights are protected under federal law and the Kentucky Civil Rights Act

It is illegal for employers to fire, demote, or otherwise punish you for reasons such as:

  • Discriminating based on protected traits
  • Firing you in violation of the Kentucky public policy exception
  • Use of the Family Medical Leave Act or other legal time off of work
  • As retaliation for reporting misconduct, legal violations, or harassment
  • When the firing breaches your employment contract
  • For pursuing a valid workers’ compensation claim
  • As a result of whistleblowing

What To Do When You Face Workplace Discrimination in Kentucky

There are several steps you can and should take to protect your rights if you were discriminated against. These include:

1. Collect Evidence and Take Notes

Take notes about any discussions you have with employers, supervisors, or other employees related to your discrimination. Date these notes so you know when they occurred and so they can help you recall what happened that day. Contemporaneous notes can be very helpful evidence moving forward.

Also collect any evidence related to your case. Keep all communications such as emails or texts that have to do with your case. Write down names and contact information for witnesses who saw the discrimination or were actively a part of it. The more information you can gather for your attorney, the easier it is to prove your employment discrimination claim.

2. Speak to a Kentucky Employment Discrimination Attorney

A Kentucky employment discrimination lawyer has the experience and skills necessary to fight back against an employer’s illegal acts. We can help you file the appropriate paperwork, notices, complaints, and much more. We then guide you through the discovery process and work to resolve your claim.

An attorney can help you through the administrative process, in state court, or even in federal court. Where and how you file will often depend on your unique circumstances, so a knowledgeable attorney is critical to a successful case. 

3. File a Discrimination Claim 

Your employment discrimination claim can either be filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a federal agency, or with the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, a state agency. These two agencies utilize a work-sharing agreement so they can cooperate to handle claims. 

Filing an administrative claim is complicated and involves a lot of red tape. Have your attorney file the claim on your behalf so that you know it is handled correctly. 

Fight Back Against Employment Discrimination in Kentucky

You should not suffer an adverse employment action for an illegal reason. Your rights deserve protection and the employer should not be allowed to violate them. An employment discrimination lawyer is ready to fight for your rights. 

Let the skilled employment law attorneys at Abney Law analyze your case and consider your unique situation. We help with discrimination cases to protect your employment and help you win compensation. Contact us today for a consultation of your case.