Employment Contract Review & Negotiation Attorney Louisville KY
There are countless types of employment contracts and agreements and it’s not uncommon for employees at all levels to be required to sign some type of agreement before they begin a new job. However, not all employment contracts guarantee a certain period of employment or otherwise benefit the employee. Some employment contracts and agreements, like Non-Competition Agreements and Arbitration Agreements, only serve to limit the employee’s rights while protecting the employer.
The Employment Law attorneys at Abney Law have years of experience drafting, reviewing, and negotiating all types of employment contracts and agreements and can guide you through this process, serving as your counselor and advocate, as you begin a new job.

Beyond At-Will Employment
Like all but one state in the U.S., Montana, Kentucky is an “At-Will Employment” jurisdiction. The Kentucky Supreme Court has recognized that “ordinarily an employer may discharge his at-will employee for good cause, for no cause, or for a cause that some might view as morally indefensible.”[1] That’s a short way of saying, that, except for a few statutory and common law exceptions, a worker in Kentucky can be fired for any reason even if it’s an unfair or bad reason. Those exceptions to at-will employment include unlawful discrimination based on age, gender, disability, race, or national origin, violations of public policy, and illegal retaliatory firing, to name a few.
However, the only surefire way to remove yourself from the uncertainty of at-will employment is to enter into an employment contract for a fixed period of employment, preferably that only allows you to be terminated for well-defined cause. To make sure that your employment contract is actually protecting you and not just your employer, be sure to have the contract reviewed by an experienced employment law attorney before you sign.
Contact one of the attorneys at Abney Law today to schedule a review of your employment contract or agreement. And remember — Talk to an attorney before you sign.