wage theft in kentucky

As a Kentucky worker, you are entitled to your promised wages when you do the work. You put in your time and effort. You added value to the company and you deserve your wages as a result. Unfortunately, many employers or supervisors try to take advantage of you and steal your wages in various ways. They will often abuse their position of power assuming you will not fight back for your rights. 

The passionate Kentucky employment lawyers at Abney Law are ready to help you fight back against wage theft. We help ensure you get what you are owed for your dedicated work.

What Is Wage Theft?

Wage theft refers to a wide range of employer actions that rob you of your benefits or compensation. This is compensation you already earned through your efforts. Wage theft can refer to employer actions such as, but not limited to:

  • Refusing to pay you the rate that was promised
  • Failure to pay your wages
  • Depriving you of promised or legally required breaks
  • Shortening your lunch period in violation of law
  • Withholding tips
  • Asking you to perform unpaid or “off the clock” work
  • Requiring you to make work-related purchases with your own money and without reimbursement
  • Holding your final paycheck if you quit your job
  • Paying less than the required minimum wage
  • Not paying appropriate overtime
  • Misclassifying your employment to skirt legal requirements

These and countless other actions could constitute wage theft under Kentucky and federal law. If you feel you were robbed of your earnings in any way, you may be a victim of wage theft.

What To Do If You Suffer From Wage Theft

You may find yourself in the unfortunate situation of losing wages you are owed. Whether this is through direct theft of your income or other methods of abuse, you have rights that deserve protection. Follow these steps to help protect yourself now and in the future:

  • Pay Attention to Your Pay Information: Know your pay rate and types of compensation. Understands what breaks you are promised by your employer and notice if they consistently abuse what you are owed. Examine your pay stubs carefully to make sure you are being paid the correct rate and any overtime is accounted for properly.
  • Document Everything: Keep documents and communications regarding this possible wage theft. Hold on to all pay stubs, emails, letters, or anything else that may shed light on what is happening. Your attorney can utilize this information to investigate your case and enforce your rights.
  • Speak to a Wage Theft Attorney: Consult a Kentucky wage theft attorney about your case right away. There is a limited time in which to file your claim, or your rights could be lost. An attorney can review your case, investigate, and file an unpaid wages claim against your employer.

Compensation for Wage Theft Victims

Under federal and state law, there are several types of compensation wage theft victims may win. The first is back wages for anything you lost as a result of the employer’s theft. This could include lost income, lost overtime, or compensation for disrupted breaks. 

Under Kentucky law, employers may often seek liquidated damages on top of this back pay, typically in an amount equal to what was originally stolen. This better compensates victims and helps to discourage this illegal practice in the future.

Seek the Wages You are Owed

Wage theft can deprive you of everything you have worked so hard for. You are entitled to the compensation, breaks, and other benefits you are owed. Please don’t allow an employer take advantage of you. We know how to help and get you the compensation you deserve.Let the experienced employment law attorneys at Abney Law help you with your wage theft case. Contact us today for a consultation of your case.