deadline for wrongful termination lawsuit kentucky

Under Kentucky law, there are strict guidelines for filing a wrongful termination lawsuit. If you believe you were fired for an illegal or discriminatory reason, you could be owed restoration of your job, financial compensation, and other potential remedies. Many people are fired due to their race, gender, sexual orientation, or for retaliatory purposes in violation of state and federal law. You need an experienced wrongful termination lawyer in Kentucky to represent you.

It is critical that you file your wrongful termination in time, or you could lose your rights to compensation. The dedicated Kentucky employment lawyers at Abney Law help you file in time and pursue your claim all the way through. Schedule a consultation today to get started.

What Is a Wrongful Termination Lawsuit?

Most workers are “at-will” employees who may be fired for nearly any reason, so long as it is not discriminatory or against public policy. This means an employer may let an employee go if they are unhappy with their work or simply to cut the budget, among many other reasons. They cannot, however, fire an employee for a discriminatory reason.

Employers may not fire at-will employees for illegal reasons such as:

  • Use of the Family Medical Leave Act or other legal time off of work
  • Discriminating based on race, color, sex, gender identity, nationality, and other protected traits
  • For pursuing a valid workers’ compensation claim
  • As retaliation for reporting misconduct, legal violations, or harassment
  • When the firing breaches your employment contract
  • As a result of whistleblowing
  • If your termination violates the Kentucky public policy exception

Wrongful Termination Filing Deadline in Kentucky

The deadline to file your wrongful termination lawsuit is generally 180 days from the date you were discharged. This deadline, also called a statute of limitations, limits the amount of time you have to file your claim against the employer. If you file after the deadline has passed, you could lose your opportunity to hold the employer responsible and gain the benefits you deserve. This is a strict deadline, and one you want to ensure you follow.

Your time limit may be extended to 300 days in limited circumstances. However, the nuances which permit a longer time limit are complicated, and it is best to speak to a licensed wrongful termination lawyer as soon as possible to avoid missing your opportunity to file a lawsuit.

When Should I Contact a Wrongful Termination Attorney?

You should speak to a wrongful termination attorney right away if you believe you were discriminated against. An experienced lawyer can analyze your case to determine whether you were wrongfully fired. That attorney also knows how to fight back against the employer’s wrongful actions to best help you.

Investigating your case and compiling necessary evidence can take time. The sooner you approach your lawyer, the more time they have to put together a strong case. Our employment law attorneys are ready to speak with you right away about your situation.

File Your Wrongful Termination Lawsuit in Time

Too many employees find out they missed the deadline because they waited, or doubted they could win. Employers often count on you to wait or simply accept their decision to fire you. Instead, you have significant legal rights that deserve protections. You should not face discrimination or lose your job for an illegal reason.At Abney Law, we take the loss of your job seriously. We understand the financial and emotional toll it takes on you and your entire family. Our experienced Kentucky wrongful termination lawyers are ready to assist you. Contact us today for a consultation of your case.