a picture of a ruler

If you ask any first-grader about the “golden rule,” he or she will likely tell you that it is important to “treat others the way you want to be treated.” Although the golden rule seems like a relatively simple concept, workplace discrimination and unfair treatment is all too common. But that doesn’t mean you have to put up with it.

The Kentucky Civil Rights Act protects individuals from discrimination in a multitude of workplace situations, such as hiring, firing, wage discrepancies, job assignments, promotions, and layoffs. Discrimination can take a variety of forms, and being able to recognize unlawful treatment is the first step to protecting your rights as an individual and employee in the state of Kentucky.

What employment protections are provided under the Kentucky Civil Rights Act?

The Kentucky Civil Rights Act prohibits an employer from failing or refusing to hire, discharge, or otherwise discriminate against an individual with respect to compensation, conditions, or benefits of employment on the basis one’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age (over 40), disability, or smoking habits.

If I feel like I am a victim of employment discrimination, what should I do?

Under the Kentucky Civil Rights Act, you may proceed directly to civil court without filing a complaint with an administrative agency beforehand. An attorney at Abney Law Office can help you build your case and gather evidence to support your recovery of damages.

Are there remedies for employment discrimination?

Yes! The goal of the law is to put you in the same position you would have been in had the unlawful discrimination never occurred. The type of relief available to you will depend on the type of discrimination experienced and its effect on your life. If employment discrimination is found, your employer will be required to stop the unlawful practice.

Monetary damages may also be available. Compensatory damages are designed to reimburse you for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred or emotional harm suffered because of your employer’s discrimination against you.

The Kentucky Civil Rights Act does not place a cap on your potential recovery, so the attorneys at Abney Law Office will fight for your full compensation.
The Kentucky Civil Rights Act is a powerful tool to combat employment discrimination. If you or someone you know is experiencing workplace discrimination, the attorneys at Abney Law Office will advocate for your right to be treated fairly in the workplace.