Blocks with labor law written on them with a gavel

What is Considered a Labor Code Violation in Kentucky?

Understanding what constitutes a labor code violation in Kentucky is crucial for maintaining a fair and legally compliant workplace. Violations can result in penalties, legal action, and damage to a company’s reputation. The employment lawyers at Abney Law can help you handle labor code violations and fight for your rights. We are here for you…

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can you be fired without cause in kentucky

Can You Be Fired Without Cause in Kentucky?

Getting fired from a job is heartbreaking, stressful, and frightening. This is especially true if you did nothing wrong to deserve it. It might occur without warning and your employer may not give you a reason. The question is: do they have to? In Kentucky, you can be fired without cause because it is an…

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a photo of a tired truck driver


Working in the trucking and shipping industry can be a rough occupation. It often involves tight deadlines, thousands of miles of pavement, and long hours – not to mention navigating America’s roads and interstates, which claimed over 34,000 lives in 2012 alone. As you might imagine, safety on the road is a large concern for…

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INSULT TO INJURY – Retaliation Against Workers’ Compensation Claims

Kentucky law, under the Kentucky Workers’ Compensation Act, requires that employers pay for the medical bills, a portion of lost wages, or for the permanent disability of an employee who is injured on the job. In exchange for these benefits, employees are generally prohibited from filing a lawsuit against their employers for negligence related to…

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old photo of men voting

LET’S TAKE FIVE: An Overview of Kentucky’s Work and Lunch Break Laws

We’ve all had those long, grueling days on the job before. The work keeps coming, the deadline is inching closer and closer, and your boss is getting increasingly frantic about getting everything done. How do you handle that situation? Do you skip lunch to meet that deadline? Do you just keep working and working until…

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